Saturday, June 22nd: The best gift that I ever gave my mother is a canning set for Mother's Day. It was kind of a self serving gift. I knew that if I gave this to her, Ryan and I would reap the benefits of all the new concoctions she would be trying to create. Clearly my moral compass is still kind of wonky. A few months back I passed on a recipe for a habanero jelly I tried a while ago an absolutely loved. In her first batch of jellies, she also made a vanilla rhubarb jelly that is devine. I enjoyed the two samplings with cream cheese and ritz crackers, it was the perfect snack!
Sunday, June 23rd: Everyone knows that we will be moving soon, so the domestic goddess clean every weekend side of me has withered and died. There's no point really. The scene in our bedroom has been one of disorganization and clutter- piles everywhere, like this one that hobo Marley has taken up residence on top of. I'm glad I have come a long way with my OCD so that I can accept this rather than try to fight it- I'm so much happier this way!
Wednesday, June 26th: Unbeknownst to me, the Fort George Brewery was totally remodeling their upstairs and adding more seating and building a pizza oven! We got together with a group of AA buddies to check out their selection and see the new digs- it was fabulous as always. It was pretty neat, the owners used some historic Astoria artifacts in the remodel, the spiral stairs leading up are from the Astoria Column and some of the tables are made out of the wood from the bowling alley when they remodeled it. There are huge windows that overlook the river and ships, it was a wonderful experience!
Thursday, June 27th: We weren't able to be with my mom on Ryan's birthday, so she ended up making a trip down to Astoria to give him some really great Oregon Ducks themed gifts. The cats also got a gift- loads and loads of string to get tied up in. Boy cat is the funniest to watch when something is impeding his progress. I was able to snap this hilarious pic of him in the midst of the struggle.
Friday, June 28th: Periodically, we have some co-workers from our Hollywood KLEAN come up to see how things are running and to lend a hand where needed. Our favorite couple, Chris and Shawna were the lucky two on this go round. A word about them- they were both born and raised in LA, Shawna having never been to the PNW before. I took it on as my personal duty to tour them around Astoria and show them all of the natural beauty. We were able to capture this shot one evening when we were trying to go see the sea lions (THERE WAS ONLY A SINGLE SEA LION THERE! I'VE NEVER SEEN SUCH A THING!!!). I love the ships and the bridge in the distance, I really do live in a beautiful place.
Saturday, June 29th: Our cats like to eat Ritz crackers. There's not much more to say about that.
Sunday, June 30th: After spending the day with Chris and Shawna down in Cannon Beach, Ryan surprised me for a nice dinner out. Our first choice (The Supper Club) wasn't open on Sunday, so we settled on Baked Alaska. It's (surprisingly) one of the only restaurants on the river in Astoria, but one we don't often think about going to even though it's reasonably priced. We ordered entirely too much food, by the time the soup arrived, I was already stuffed from the appetizers, we basically rolled ourselves home that night.
Monday, July 1st: I don't know what happened on Monday, but I absolutely could not get out of bed to save my life. I had some sort of funky stomach thing going on, so Ryan had to forge ahead to work without me. I worked from home the best I could- with the distraction of Marley in great need of snuggling up (He likes to think he's very helpful).
Saturday, July 6th: Ryan and I have a weekend breakfast tradition that is slowly starting to form. We have made a point to enjoy this perfect meal as much as we can on our days off. I turn into a Gremlin if I don't have breakfast before 10:00 AM (one of those things I've found out about myself in sobriety... yay!). So this week we hit up the Astoria Coffee House which has delightful Chai Lattes I might add (since I'm off the coffee). They just recently remodeled and added a huge bar which has these delightful heads hanging over it, I'm a fan (and they're wood)!
Saturday, July 6th: The boxes have arrived!! We are less than two weeks away from being homeless (we have yet to close on our house and we have a move out date from the rental as of the 19th... no stress), so we decided it would be a good idea to start packing up to put things in storage. Marley felt the need to be amongst the city of boxes, he made his own little cat castle. All day we were shooing him away from them, or throwing him in the few boxes we had with packing peanuts... that was funny.
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