Sunday, June 2, 2013

Text Talk: Week 7

I'll preface this by saying I have been buying much more than I have been reading. It's been easier to go out and buy a book at the current moment than it has been to get into reading one. I've been in what every book lover knows as the dreaded slump. Between working crazy hours and house hunting (as well as a serious Law and Order SVU addiction (I'm well into the 6th season)), reading has been put on hold. I don't know if it was that I loved my last read so much, Ready Player One, that I can't get into another book, but it just hasn't sounded appealing up until today. That's right, a whole week+ without reading a book. I'm falling off my game friends.

How I think I managed to climb out of the rut I found myself in was to go on Goodreads and peruse the books I have marked as "to-read-already-own". I walk by my mound of books on a daily basis, they are stacked in the landing into my bedroom, but I think I've become numb to them. I needed to refresh my mind as to what I have and what worlds I could be immersing myself in. I felt like I needed something light and airy (since it's been gorgeous weather here today) so I settled on this:

Title: Safe Haven
Author: Nicolas Sparks
Genre: Contemporary/ Love Story
Pages: 340

Reaction: I have never read a Nicholas Sparks book before. To be honest, I never wanted to be "that girl" who read the sappy crap and who swooned over everything Mr. Sparks produced. I judged those girls, harshly and critically without question. All books at Goodwill in Eugene a while back were $1.00. That's where I acquired this gem. I didn't think too much of it but I figured I would give it a shot. Since being in recovery I've definitely learned you can't judge a book by it's cover and to be weary of contempt prior to investigation. I'll tell you though, so far this book is exactly what I've been needing. It's hard to put down too! I'm liking everything about it so far!!

Books Added to the Library This Week:

Title: Atlas Shrugged
Author: Ayn Rand
Genre: Classics
History Behind My Choice: First, I will say that I didn't buy this book for myself. My wonderful boss purchased this for me since we've been talking about it for awhile. I heard that Atlas Shrugged has some wonderful female characters as well as a thought provoking tale. This is among one of Ryan's mother's favorite books, so there was no way I couldn't read it since I loved her previous suggestion (The Shoe Maker's Wife) so much. 
Title: If I Stay
Author: Gayle Forman
Genre: YA Contemporary
History Behind My Choice: This is another BookTuber rave. I've been trying to mix up some of my YA Paranormal/YA Dystopian choices with some YA Contemporary so that I don't get sick of the genre, and I'm not typically interested in Contemporary novels, but I thought I would give one a try. This one is also set in Oregon, so that's always a plus.

Title: Beautiful Ruins
Author: Jess Walter
Genre: Historical Fiction
History Behind My Choice: This was a Goodreads find. Every year they do a "Reader's Choice" best books of the year contest, and this was a nominee that had caught my eye under the "Fiction" category. I saw it at Goodwill today for $2.99 and I couldn't pass it up. Also I've been fiending for an Italy fix- I picked up and put down "Under the Tuscan Sun" in one day, like I literally shipped it out the same day I picked it up to start reading it, that's how bad it was. This book has scenes that take place in Italy so hopefully that will satisfy me!

Title: Hacking Harvard
Author: Robin Wasserman
Genre: YA Fiction
History Behind My Choice: This was kind of a Goodwill impulse buy, I really have no explanation for it other than I thought it sounded interesting and light. We shall see. I think what happened to me in Goodwill was the equivalent to what happens to me in Barnes and Nobel: I go crazy with all the possibilities! Thankfully though, the book prices in Goodwill are a lot more bank account friendly.
Title: Let the Great World Spin
Author: Colum McCann
Genre: Historical Fiction
History Behind My Choice: This was another Goodreads Reader's Choice nominees that caught my eye. From what I gather, it has interweaving stories that center around 1974 NYC when the tightrope walker walked between the twin towers. I've been seeing that the documentary "Man on Wire" was really amazing so I thought this might equally be as good (this is how my mind works...)
Title: The Time Traveler's Wife
Author: Audrey Niffenegger
Genre: Romance
History Behind My Choice: I don't think I really need to explain this choice. When I say (to my bookish friends) "Oh, yeah I haven't read that, but I've seen the movie", there are screams that go out. I'm finally on the bandwagon.
Title: Peace Like A River
Author: Leif Enger
Genre: Fiction
History Behind My Choice: Another random Goodwill grab/ Goodreads find. I've been being recommended this book for a long while now, I finally saw it in public and picked it up. I think it was the write-ups on the back that finally persuaded me. Yes, I'm a sucker, the publisher got me, hook-line-and-sinker. They only got me for $2.99 though! Mark that in the win column!!


  1. I was the same way about Nicholas Sparks' books, but my mom owns pretty much every single one. Most of the time, they are pretty good!

    The Time Traveler's Wife. I haven't seen the movie. The book though - a must read.

    Have you started the Host? I think you'll like it.

    1. I have The Host sitting on my night stand, I've been trying to get it for a while now, but now that I have it, I can't find the motivation to read it!
